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Arlington Sudden Death 4

Saturday, April 05, 2025

Arlington Sudden Death features four rounds with great players of all ages and skill levels in a fast paced afternoon tournament.

Players in the Arlington Chess Club Open


  • Open for players of any rating and unrated players.
  • Under 1100 for players with published ratings under 1100.
  • If either section has less than seven players, the sections will combined and there will be a prize for the highest scoring player with a rating under 1100.

All sections are four rounds at a time control of G/30;d0. The first round begins at 1:00pm. All other rounds as soon as possible

Entry Fee

Early Registration is $30; Day-of registration is $40. Early registration ends at 11:00pm the day before the event.

Prizes ($200 Guaranteed)

  • First Overall in each Section - $100 guaranteed.
  • Underprizes - Depend on participation.

Register for Arlington Sudden Death 4

Parents/Guardians of Minors

We welcome children to play in our tournament, but please be aware of the following:

  • Your child will play against adults, will be treated like an adult, and will be expected to interact like an adult.
  • Your child will not be supervised by us.
  • If a child is under 16 years old, a parent/guardian must remain in the building unless an exception is given by the tournament organizer.

Rule Variations in Effect at Arlington Sudden Death

  • 11H1. Director as witness only. In an event in which most games are not watched by directors, a director may refrain from correcting all illegal moves he or she may notice but simply serve as a witness should one of the players point out the illegal move before ten more moves have been made.
  • 15A. Paper scoresheet variation. The player using a paper scoresheet may first make the move, and then write it on the scoresheet, or vice versa.

Register for Arlington Sudden Death 4

Tournament Location

Arlington Sudden Death 4 will be held at Dottie Lynn Recreation Center at 3200 Norwood Lane, Arlington, TX 76013.

Dottie Lynn

US Chess Affiliate

Arlington Chess Club is an Affiliate of the US Chess Federation.

Our Rated Events are Rated by the US Chess Federation

Early Registrations

Name USCF Rating Section Byes
Curtis Fukuchi 12627935 1828 Sudden Death Open
Douglas Schwetke 12472962 1500 Sudden Death Open
Chris Wood 14876113 1133 Sudden Death Open
Landra Pulliam 30821944 922 Sudden Death Under 1100
Troy Gillispie 15182024 840 Sudden Death Under 1100

5 total registered.

We do not sell equipment, but encourage you to visit Wholesale Chess. We recommend their Quiver Chess Set Combination and the Basic Digital Game Timer.

House of Staunton Logo
Wholesale Chess Logo