Mountain Creek Library Tournament
Saturday, August 17, 2024; 9:00am
Scholastic Event (K-12 Students Only)
Sections to be determined by number of entries and Tournament Director's discretion.
Please regsiter online if possible. Regsitrations at the door end 10 minutes before first round.
- Rounds The Rated section(s) play four rounds at a time control of G/30;d5.
- The Non-rated section plays four rounds at a time control of G/25;d5
Non-rated Section will be sponsored by the Mountain Creek Library and will not have an entry fee. You can sign up for this section whether you are a rated or non-rated player.
- Byes - If requested before the start of the first round, one 1/2 point bye may be taken in any but the last round. Other byes are zero points.
- Equipment - We provide sets. Players should bring clocks if they own them. We do have some clocks available.
- Membership - Current US Chess Federation membership required and may be purchased on site. Non-rated section does not require this membership.
- Trophies for Rated Sections- Trophies awarded for 1st through 3rd Place.
- Plaques for the Library sponsored Non-rated section. 1st through 6th Place.
- Tie break rules will be used for all sections.
- Late Arrival - Players who pay early will be paired during the first round whether or not they have arrived. Unregistered players arriving after 9:15 AM may be given a 1/2 point bye, be given a zero point bye, or paired outside of standard pairing rules at the discretion of the tournament director.

Register for the Rated Section Register for the Unrated Section