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Patrons of Arlington Chess Club

Become a Patron of Arlington Chess Club. Our Patrons enable the club to maintain operating capital while still funding our philanthropic efforts.

  • Patrons of Arlington Chess Support our Philanthropy - Each year, the club spends over $1,000 on donations to school chess programs, chess equipment donations to schools, children's chess clubs, library chess clubs, individuals in need of chess equipment, entry fees for kids who cannot afford entry to tournaments. The funds for these programs have come from our chess tournament entries, but increased facility rentals are cutting into these available funds.
  • Patrons of Arlington Chess are Building an Operating Budget - Reserving space months in advance requires several thousand in operating funds. Often, the personal funds of board members are used to reserve space, we hope to be completely self-seficient by the end of 2025.
Arlington Chess Club Coffee Cup
The 2025 Thank You Gift Mug

Becoming a Patron

Patrons of Arlington Chess Club contribute $100 to the club in their first year as a Patron and $50 in any subsequent year they want to continue as Patrons. Patrons will be recognized by name on our website and will receive a small thank you gift. This year's gift is an Arlington Chess Club Coffee mug.

Our Current Supporters   Become a New Patron   Current Patrons Renew Your Patonage

Our Finances

This is how we collected and spent funds last year.

2024 Income

Tournament Entry Fees $13,565.93 80%
US Chess Memberships $2,464.00 15%
Non-USCF Commissions $504.81 3%
Donations $380.00 2%
Other $63.72 0%
TOTAL INCOME $16,978.46 100%

2024 Expenses

Facility Rentals $5,369.00 31%
Tournament Prizes $4,014.83 23%
Tournament Directors and Supplies $2,767.91 16%
Purchased US Chess Memberships $2,422.00 14%
US Chess Ratings Fees $765.00 4%
Banking and Credit Card Fees $679.30 4%
Advertising and Promotion $620.28 3%
Chess Equipment $347.49 2%
Insurance and Operation $361.49 2%
TOTAL EXPENSES $17,347.30 100%

Changes in Our Finances

Most of our income is tournament entry fees. In 2023, we collected $26,328 in entry fees. In 2024, we collected $13,565.93 in entry fees. Despite this drop in income, we ended the year only $368 in the red. We have found fewer players for our monthly tournament and will be trying new formats in 2025.

Arlington Chess Club is a 501(c)4 Social Welfare Organization and a Texas Non-profit organization. Donations are not generally tax-deductible.

We do not sell equipment, but encourage you to visit Wholesale Chess. We recommend their Quiver Chess Set Combination and the Basic Digital Game Timer.

House of Staunton Logo
Wholesale Chess Logo